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Tribute to Humanitarianism


Through the ingenuity, talent, and heart of the late Dr. Dotty Heady several handmade quilts were created as a living 

tribute to humanitarianism. Her continual support of PGHF will forever be cherished.


PGHF welcomes you into this safe-space of respite and will begin showcasing the beautiful archived works of

Dr. Heady throughout Women's History Month and beyond. 

Humanitarian Quilts Coming Soon

Payiba m bala They are Women Quilt922020

Women of Africa 
6'5"ft. width, 7 ft. length

These handmade original quilts were created and designed by

Dr. Dotty Heady to help raise scholarship funds for children in Tolon Ghana-West Africa. Funds from the sell of each quilt provides children in kindergarten through the eighth grade with school fees, school supplies and tuition for one year.


Payiba M-bala Quilt - They Are Women

   5'4" Width, 4'9" Tall

With our organization’s Iocal and international mission, we steadfastly engage in amplifying charitable causes, education and medical assistance, while organizing volunteer teams for relief for communities harmed by natural and man made disasters.

Much of our work is dedicated to serving the globes historically most slighted populations of women and children.


Phoenix Global Humanitarian Foundation 501(c)(3) is headquartered in Louisville, KY and was founded in 2008; our mission is to serve those who suffer from disasters, losses, and tragedies with love and compassion. Several diverse women have linked together forging bonds at Phoenix Global Humanitarian Foundation to ignite social change and empowerment across the fabric of identity, trauma-informed healing, crisis intervention and relief, education, research, and equity in their local communities and

far-reaching global impact



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OUR Past ... Present ... & Future







Youth Education 

K-8th grade Global Educational Scholarships 

Mrs. Ada Doss Campbell Scholarship Fund

Front Line Disaster Relief

World Clean Water Initiatives

Physical  Health & Mental Well-Being

Women's Health, Education & Empowerment

Economic Development & Sustainability 

Safe Housing & Transportation

Anti-Racism  Research & Equity Initiatives

Tribute to Humanitarianism & Cultural Honor

Causes + Impact Programs

©2023 Phoenix Global Humanitarian Foundation 

Web Design + Narrative Preservation Elsz & O Storytelling Gallery

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